Stampede Roundup and Oxford Stomp: Partying for a Good Cause

It’s been a wonderful and exhausting 10 days of Stampede, but in between all the food, midway rides and line dances, Calgarians showed up en masse to celebrate and support a great charity cause. The annual Stampede Roundup and Oxford Stomp fundraisers put together some amazing outdoor concert experiences, with some western flair. Combined, the two events raised $400,000 for the Rotary Club of Calgary. What’s cool is that the funds raised will go towards enhancing the urban park experience in the city with the Rotary/Mattamy Greenway Project. The initiative will provide 138 km of pathways and specialty parks circling the city, making it the longest urban pathway and park system in the world. The pathway will connect to 55 communities as well as to The City of Calgary’s existing pathway network. Think of it as the ring road around the city – but way better as you’ll be able to walk, bike, and enjoy all that nature has to offer around this pathway system. So if a little Stampede partying means that we get an awesome addition to our city landscape, then you can count me in on that fun.
Here are some pictures from both the Roundup and the Stomp. Enjoy!